Frequently Asked Questions
Retail Sukuk
1. What is DanaInfra Retail Sukuk?
DanaInfra Retail Sukuk is an Exchange Traded Bonds / Sukuk (“ETBS”) issued by DanaInfra and guaranteed by the Government of Malaysia.
2. Why was DanaInfra Retail Sukuk created?
3. What would the proceeds of DanaInfra Retail Sukuk be utilised for?
4. What are the regulatory bodies governing the ETBS?
5. Is investment in DanaInfra Retail Sukuk secured?
6. Will DanaInfra Retail Sukuk be rated?
7. Is DanaInfra Retail Sukuk listed and tradeable?
8. Where can I get more information on the terms of DanaInfra Retail Sukuk?
9. Who would this instrument / sukuk be suitable for?
10. DanaInfra Retail Sukuk is guaranteed by the Government. Is that similar to how fixed deposits are guaranteed under Perbadanan Insurans Deposit Malaysia (“PIDM”)?
11. To date, what is the total size of the DanaInfra Retail Sukuk issued?
12. What is the tenure of DanaInfra Retail Sukuk issued?
13. Would DanaInfra be making more issuance of Retail Sukuk in the future?
14. How is the Profit Rate being determined?
15. Is DanaInfra Retail Sukuk Shariah-compliant?
16. How much is the transaction cost to buy and sell DanaInfra Retail Sukuk?
17. Who shall pay for the transaction cost?
18. What are the trading hours for DanaInfra Retail Sukuk?
19. What will happen to my investment in DanaInfra Retail Sukuk should the MRT project fail?
20. How can the investors obtain the latest pricing of DanaInfra Retail Sukuk?
21. Will the Profit Rate fluctuate during the tenure of the DanaInfra Retail Sukuk?
22. What are the key differences between ETBS and shares?
23. What are the differences between ETBS and other retail investments such as unit trust?
24. What are the factors affecting the yield and price of a bond / sukuk?
25. How are the bond / sukuk prices quoted on the exchange? Does it take into account the periodic coupon / profit payments of the bond / sukuk?
26. How will I get paid on the coupon / profit? Is it similar to stocks?
27. How is the coupon / profit payment calculated?
28. What is the frequency of coupon / profit payment to holders of DanaInfra Retail Sukuk?
29. How to calculate the value of bond / sukuk?
30. Is there any restriction to the holding period for the holders of DanaInfra Retail Sukuk?
31. When is the right time for a retail sukuk holder to sell his / her holding?
32. How is an ETBS different from the traditional bonds / sukuk transacted by institutions?
33. Can a retail sukuk holder sell his / her holding to an institutional investor?
34. How do investors trade DanaInfra Retail Sukuk?