Frequently Asked Questions

ICP/IMTN Programme

1. What is the ICP/IMTN Programme?

The ICP/IMTN Programmes are Islamic Commercial Papers (“ICP”) and Islamic Medium Term Notes (“IMTN”) Programmes (“ICP/IMTN Programme”) established by DanaInfra to raise financing to fund the following:

  • The Kajang Line, Putrajaya Line and Circle Line (MRT3)’s land acquisition cost of the MRT Project;
  • Part-finance the construction cost of Pan Borneo Highway Sarawak (Phase 1) Project; and
  • Part-finance the LRT 3 Project

The financing programme undertaken by DanaInfra is on project basis. At present, the ICP/IMTN Programme limit is as follows:

  • MRT Project - of up to RM82.2 billion in nominal value and is irrevocably and unconditionally guaranteed by the Government of Malaysia
  • Pan Borneo Highway Sarawak (Phase 1) Project - of up to RM15.8 billion in nominal value and is irrevocably and unconditionally guaranteed by the Government of Malaysia
  • LRT 3 Project - of up to RM7.6 billion in nominal value and is irrevocably and unconditionally guaranteed by the Government of Malaysia